So last week went by and normal progression through the vaults is done. I went to sleep before doing Will of Emperor, so no strategy there yet, but really it's not the bottleneck fight, whereas Elegon is.
I'm not a super great druid healer or anything, just a mediocre learning each fight normally type. The super hardcore people will probably disagree with me, but I'm just saying what worked/didn't work for me.
Healing rotation stuff is obvious for druids, so the usual lifebloom tank, rejuv, swiftmend, wild growth. I like Nature's Swift a lot, since it's great for emergency single target heal. I'll only mention if there's something super special to do w/ rotation, otherwise it'll be general and vagu-ish.
1) Stone Guardians to start:
Glyphs: Lifebloom, Rejuvenation, optional 3rd (I used healing touch since I was trying SotF and didn't switch it out)
Talents: Only ones that matter is SotF vs. Incarnation and HotW vs. NV. I did this fight with SotF, but in retrospect my play style favors using tree form more, so next time I will probably be a tree. HotW is not useful for this fight really, since I wasn't ever dpsing, though the extra 6% int/stam passive is always good. So I ended up clearing with NV.
Symbosis: Doesn't matter really.
Healing strat: 2 to 3 healers. (We cleared with 2 heals + disc atoning) (we didn't get cobalt dog, but being a druid, rooting shouldn't be a
problem for us, so I would volunteer being the one to detonate the
cobalt mines) Ranged stack, but avoid puddles. I like to throw mushrooms in this area, but because people do move out, sometimes have to replant or explode a bit prematurely. Chains damage wasn't that bad, unless ranged got linked w/ melee and ranged doesn't run in, but that's not really healing problem as much as people not paying attention. Otherwise, this fight is pure tanking. Good tanking makes easier healing.
Cooldown: Just take turns use healing cooldowns whenever necessary (i.e. after explosion chain that drops everyone low). So don't really need to save it for a certain point in the fight.
The fight itself is relatively easy, but I found myself a bit mana starved. Innervate is gimper since it's a percentage of mana pool. Raid heal is more mana efficient than tank healing, so I recommend druids leave the tank healing to your healing partner.
2) Feng the Accursed:
Glyphs: Lifebloom, Rejuvenation, optional 3rd (I used healing touch since I was trying SotF and didn't switch it out)
Talents: I did SotF on this fight too, once again, I plan to use tree form in the future. NV is also my choice for this fight.
Symbosis: Shadow priest would be nice... but we didn't have one this fight, so just did DK
Healing strat: 3 healers to be safe, probably doable with 2. (We cleared with 2 heals + disc atoning) This is still a relatively tank dependent fight. Phase 1, range start sorta stacked but not in center for fear of Lightning Fist. However, during this time, plant mushrooms in the center. When Feng does his Epicenter, raid will stack in the center, during this time, explode the mushrooms, even if tank put up a purple damage nullifier. Raid will spread again, mushroom center again. Next epicenter, a healing cooldown will be used. Repeat until phase 2.
Phase 2, ick, you have the whole raid stacked in center, so mushrooming the center is fine, but I don't remember doing it much, i'm probably just being bad. Have people run out to left or right side (never behind) if they have wild fire. Here, if done properly raid barely takes damage, otherwise, pop heal cooldowns, it'll probably be a wipe but at least it might be recoverable.
Phase 3, pretty easy if your group doesn't have a stupid person who keeps running into the stack and 1-shotting everyone when they have arcane resonance. Rotate healing cooldowns that you have left during the stacking. Healers have to heal the person with arcane resonance outside the stack.
3) Spiritbinder:
Glyphs: Lifebloom, Rejuvenation, Regrowth (I really think regrowth is great for this fight)
Talents: I did HotW and SotF (doesn't really matter but I'd try tree next time). HotW I like because of the extra stat buff, plus you get to dps the boss in the beginning or you can dps the little adds in the spirit realm w/ moonfire dots.
Symbosis: Shadow priest! Extra tranq is just wonderful at the end.
Healing strat: 2 healers, 3 healers is unnecessary and makes final burn difficult. Healers take turns going into the spirit realm, as long as not Voodoo Dolled. If you're Voodoo Dolled, other healer has to go in for you. Healers need to heal everyone that went into the spirit realm w/ you to full at least once asap, hence I do regrowth glyph, faster to heal to full. O yeah, so after going down once, healers will get infinite mana for 15 seconds, so regrowth spam away :D. I recommend moonfiring a few adds, rejuving the dpses, and then just leave spirit realm around 5-10seconds left. Repeat this until the boss is pretty low. Then everyone will stop entering spirit realm, stack, and burn. Burn phase, coordinate your healing cooldowns w/ other healers and extra tranq from shadow priest :D. As long as dps isn't bad, this is an easy fight.
4) Spirit Kings
Glyphs: Lifebloom, Rejuvenation, optional: I did Regrowth because i didn't switch after spiritbinder
Talents: HotW and Tree (I finally switched, but I don't think it matters at all this fight)
Symbosis: whomever.
Healing strat: Er...2 healers. This fight is just so easy with a good tank. All I remember is following tank during P1, rejuving while running. Then spreading during P2, then just avoiding flanking orders and arrows, and boss went down. So... no advice, sorry :(
5) Elegon (The hardest fight so far! I will go into a lot of details)
Glyphs: Lifebloom, Rejuvenation, Wild Growth (ah, yes, Wild Growth, it's just more mana efficient and there's not a shortage of AoE damage so that extra 6th person tick is useful except during phase 3 for a short while.)
Talents: I see lots of people using NV, but I just can't, I keep forgetting to use it during this fight. So I stuck with HotW and helped dps orbs during phase 2. Tree.
Symbiosis: Shadow Priest!!! This fight having an extra tranq is just wonderful!
Healing strat: 2 healers. 3 healers is not doable unless your group's dps is superb and ours is not superb, it's not bad, but not epic either. Druid raid heal, other healer tank heal.
Phase 1: Ranged stack close to the edge of the circle. Mushroom the stack, but don't explode yet.
2 random players will be debuffed w/ Closed Circuit. So divide dispel duty with your other healer, we did responsible for own group, if 2 in same group, healer will always dispel themselves first, or wait to see what the group's healer dispels first and dispel the other one. Whatever works.
When add spawns, start making sure everyone is pretty topped off. While the add is doing its AoE at 25% hp, explode the mushrooms or wait for total annilihation then explode, depends on your ranged stack's hp. During each total annilihation a healing cooldown needs to be used. Since we had a shadow priest, we had him use Vamp for the 1st one. If you have a paladin, devo aura before the explosion, don't have him stupid and use it after or not at all. I saved my tranq for phase 2, but if you don't have the healing cooldown to spare, tranqing phase 1 is fine too.
The add spawned only 2-3 times during phase 1 for us, but whether or not more will spawn depends heavily on how fast dps downs the boss's hp. The time we cleared, we got a 4th add during the 2nd phase 1, and that was a bit painful since we had no more healing cooldowns to burn and just had to brute force heal the damage.
Tree of Life, use it when an add spawns before a total annilihation that you're not tranqing.
Innervate, use early and then on cooldown.
Phase 2: I was running into the middle and back out at 6stacks pretty safely, that way I can also help out healing the group on the other side. If your tranq's not down, can also tranq in the center, it didn't hit everyone, but better than nothing. However, if your other healer is skilled enough and don't need the help, stay on your side, heal your group and HotW help dps the orbs. At first I was a bit panicky and regrowthing the orb damage... only to find out, if you have rejuv and wild growth up on everyone, the damage from the orbs won't kill the group, as long as you heal them up w/ Nourishes before they kill the next set of orbs.
Phase 3: This is a rest period, very very light healing, just plant some mushrooms, wild growth maybe and don't stand in the lightning circles. 2nd time we hit phase 3, I use focus potion to make sure my mana pool is very healthy before going into the 25% phase.
25% phase: Run in to where the ranged usually stacks in phase 1 as soon as the floor comes up and pop a tranquility, whether it's yours or the shadow priests. During this time, dps will down the adds. Now, have your ranged run out of circle and back in, reset the stacking debuff at 5 stacks instead of 10 stacks. This is a little counterintuitive, since damage taken outside is huge, but only 1 tick of that is healable and resetting the stacks makes the damage inside easier to heal, so can hold off on healing cooldowns a bit longer and buy more time for dpses to burn. During this phase, planting mushrooms is a no-no for me, just didn't feel like there's the time, but feel free to experiment.
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