So MoP is coming out in a month. New talents out next week. Though I wish good things for my druids, I see more downsides than up atm.
Restore druid. Whatever, no one cares, since blizzard's not changing much. Plus, I think restore druids in general are one of the least vocal group of players. Just do our HoTing and don't gimp us too much, and we're happy.
Feral druid. Well, deep down I don't care to be a feral druid, tanking as a bear is fine, but not really a cat deep down. Even when tanking I like to focus on holding aggro and staying alive, if those two conditions are met, I could care less about my dps. Obviously, that mentality's fine for 5mans, but off tanking raids... well... different issue entirely. Derping is not my strong suit. Maybe with more practice i can get the rotations off better, but the 2sec gcd plus lag, I get my timing thrown off all the time, which stinks.
With the introduction of the new talent spec, I lose my 1 spec off-tank and dps spec. The truly committed feral druids are saying, hurray, we have to spec differently to tank or dps anyway. But I feel like Blizzard's neglecting the off tanks who like to spend time as kitty to up dps, or just the general don't really like to play cat, but it's necessary for quick kills during farming, but can still offtank fine people. Maybe I'm jumping the gun, thinking that guardian spec will be unable to play kitty as well as before. After all, the new druid talents are all about versatility and hybriding. But if Blizzard wants to keep it balanced, I think guardian spec will be really unoptimal kitty spec and kitty spec will not be able to off-tank even, not to mention main tank.
Balance druid. Meh, I just skip over their complaints and threads completely. I don't mind balance spec, but didn't practice it at all, since I had to keep my restore and feral spec at all times. So, on that note, once MoP comes out, if I do get a chance to hold a dps spec (instead of restore/tank all the time) I might try this spec, but I have no comparison with the past, so wouldn't know if it was buffer or gimper.
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